It's been busy as usual with getting ready for a wood fire workshop I am giving May 15th, 16th, and 22nd. I have 16 people signed up so far and that would be plenty. However, how can you say no to someone that's excited about learning something that I'm excited about myself. I've been making up more glaze in the pails that are low, not to mention all the wood we split earlier (that was done first so it would have time to dry out some and I have real dry splits for finishing from before) Thanks Scot and Dave for their help!
I gathered sawdust and I cut up straw for wadding and then screened out the big pieces. I use 1 part sawdust(coarse), 1 part cut up straw and one part fireclay and then mix well, dry, then take 4 1/2 parts dry mix to approximately 1 part water and make a stiff mix. I then roll out coils of various thickness and cut to length. A quick roll between my palms and "a wad ball".
Then I realized I better weed the beds where our shrubs are, edge them a little and then get some fresh bark mulch to freshen them up. Then I can finish grinding off any wadding or glaze drips that stuck to the brick stilts and shelves. The studio needs a quick mopping and straightening... whew... makes me tired just writing about it ;-]
Oh, and I still need to shovel out the ash from last firing a week ago that is still under the grate. Meanwhile, meeting my younger son for his boxing lesson at my older son's house this afternoon ,(I gave him my heavy bag); and teaching full time. Thank the Lord for an understanding wife that keeps very busy keeping up with her quickly growing ceramic bead business. You can check out her beautiful work at macarroll.blogspot.com. My students will be here soon, need to finish getting prepared for them. Nice to take a couple of minute break during my prep time to type this... when else would I find the time?! ;-]