Saturday, December 25, 2010

New Work

I've had a very busy fall/winter.  I had a couple of shows including a two month long holiday "store" called Art Mart in Syracuse, NY.  We pay a "booth fee", work 15 hours during the duration of the show and pay a reasonable percentage of our sales. Etsy sales have been steady and I have helped my very talented wife with a few of her custom orders.  The most recent one was for a returning customer that has sled dogs. We did some pendents for her last year. Here's Bonnie practicing for a race. Pretty cool. And then the ordered pendents.

I guess she liked these because this year she ordered Christmas tree ornaments, five sets no less. Mary Ann said she was going to give four away to her sledding friends and keep one for herself.  My wife found some husky pictures and I carved them out for her adding a bas-relief (low relief) to them. A bit of work, but pretty neat none the less. She does most of her work in porcelain, and her usual great job of glazing.

I say most of her work because she gets experimenting with my stoneware for her batches of  wood-fired beads that she will include in my firings and lately she has used my "Tully" clay for beads and gotten some really cool results. If you misses the Tully clay post, it's only a half dozen posts back.

She is showing the Tully clay beads in her post on Monday on her blog if you want to check it out. She is the serious blogging and posting artist in this house. Here is the link for her blog.

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